sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2013

Parceria Stop TB lança chamada para selecionar três novos membros para compor comitê de seleção de editais

No ano passado, a parceria Stop TB lançou edital para o fomento de ações de base comunitária sobre  tuberculose (TB) com o objetivo de apoiar atividades de Comunicação, Advocacy e Mobilização Social (CAMS) destinadas a sensibilizar e capacitar comunidades no envolvimento direto na luta contra a tuberculose. As inscrições deveriam ser realizadas até 30 de setembro de 2012. Os projetos que forem selecionados receberão bolsas de 5 a 20 mil dólares.

Para a avaliação dos projetos inscritos e definição daqueles que devem receber a bolsa, a parceria Stop TB está em busca de três novos membros para compor o Comitê de Seleção de Editais que tem como função analisar e selecionar as propostas que devem ser financiadas, garantindo a integridade e a consistência de um processo aberto e transparente.

Importante destacar que é indispensável proficiência em inglês e que candidatos com proficiência adicional em francês, russo e/ou espanhol terão preferência na seleção. Os membros do Comitê terão mandato de dois anos, com possibilidade de renovação. 

Desta forma, se você, ou alguém que você conhece se encaixar no perfil solicitado para este comitê envie a nomeação seguindo as instruções descritas em nota divulgada pela Parceria Stop TB:

Challenge facility for civil society

The Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS) of the Stop TB Partnership is currently seeking nominations for three new grant Selection Committee members.
If you or someone you know would be a suitable candidate for the Selection Committee please submit your nomination, following the instructions below.

In response to a call made by civil society on the need for a financing mechanism for civil society organizations working on TB, The Stop TB Partnership´s Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS) was created in 2007 to provide support to community-based organizations that are engaged in advocacy and social mobilization activities and seek to raise awareness and empower communities to become part of the solution in the fight against TB. The Challenge Facility has awarded US$ 1.8 Million to 98 grantees in 37 countries to date.

The CFCS Selection Committee is an independent, impartial team of experts selected by the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat. Its role is to review proposals and select those that should be funded and guarantee the integrity and consistency of an open and transparent application review process.

For more information please visit the CFCS website

Selection Committee Composition
The Selection Committee is composed of 10 members who have broad array of expertise in in community systems, civil society mobilization, advocacy and key TB tools such as the Stop TB Strategy and Global Plan to Stop TB; and knowledge of key stakeholders including the Global Fund.  They serve in their personal capacities only. The Committee as a body assembles gender-balanced members who together have geographically diverse experiences and have worked with different types of health and social sector organizations in developing countries.

Conflicts of interest and confidentiality
Selection Committee members must declare on an annual basis and prior to proposal review any potential conflicts of interest, in accordance with the WHO Declaration of Interest for Experts.

Working language
English proficiency is required. Nominees with additional proficiency in French, Russian, and/or Spanish will be given preference.

Length of term
§  Committee members will serve a two-year term with a possibility of renewal.

Nomination procedure
Individual nominations should be accompanied by a CV and a cover letter explaining the individual’s interest in and suitability for membership on the CFCS Selection Committee.
If an institution is nominating a candidate, the nomination should be accompanied by a letter of institutional support for the individual.
All nominations and materials must be sent by 15 March 2013 via email to with the subject heading: "NOMINATION FOR CFCS SELECTION COMMITTEE".
Queries can be addressed to the same email.

Faça o download do PDF sobre a candidatura no link: